Today I am thankful for future Thanksgivings that will be free of family I don't like.
Thankful: November 25
Since the holidays are not looking too "merry and bright" for me right now and my lack of food that I can eat, today I am thankful for the fact that I don't have to drive today and tomorrow. I am sad that I won't get to see my Oregon family and be there for my Aunt Molly on our first Thanksgiving without Adam, but I'm kind of relieved to be at home this year.
Thankful: November 24
Today I am thankful for getting a glimpse of another gall bladder attack last night. There is no way I'm going to have another one, I don't care if I starve, I don't want to feel that pain again.
Thankful: November 23

Today I am thankful for my loving 'daddy'. He has been in my life since I was 2. He loves me as if I was his own flesh and blood. There are so many personality traits I learned from him. After hearing that I was in the hospital, he made a point to come down and see me today. He brought me applesauce and bananas.. :D so sweet.
Thankful: November 22

Today I am thankful for the fact that I have Health Insurance unlike a lot of Americans. Last night I suffered what I now know to be a gall bladder attack. After 15 hours of not being able to keep even water down, my mom and I rushed to the hospital where I was put in a LDR (Labor & Delivery Room). I received two bags of salt water as fast as the IV could put them into my system, because I was severely dehydrated. This worried the nurses because (little known fact: even while pregnant, your body does not see your uterus as a vital organ) as I got more and more dehydrated, the fluids they were giving me would go to my vital organs, before anything else. And since the uterus is a muscle, if it got dehydrated, it would start to contract, which would cause me to go into labor at 31.5 weeks. After blood tests, and an ultrasound, it was confirmed that I have gall stones. My doctor advised the nurses to send me home on what is called the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast). I meet with her next Tuesday, but I doubt she'll have me go in for surgery before Kennedy's born.. The next 9 weeks should be fun... NOT.
Thankful: November 21
Today I am thankful that I sold one of my bracelets at Shannon's little shopping day. Not to mention Shannon offered to buy one if I would be willing to make her one (but of course).
Thankful: November 20
Today I am thankful for my mom's support of my business goals and dreams. After churning out bracelet after bracelet this week, we headed to Target tonight to get cute tissue paper to wrap them in, little snowflake stickers as a closure, and a cute little star stand to have them on at the sale tomorrow. When we got home, she helped me photoshop up a business card (which is uber adorable) and we took photos of my different bracelets. Now I just need to post them to Etsy and hope for a sale.
Thankful: November 19

Today I am thankful for beads, beading, and the escape from boredom I get when I bead. I'm working on putting together some bracelets for Shannon's little shopping extravaganza on Saturday, as well as gathering my wits about me and starting my etsy shop. After the bracelets, I'm going to try to find a cute necklace to make because, I'd love to tell people I made it when they compliment my necklaces.
Thankful: November 18
Thankful: November 17
Thankful: November 16
Today I am thankful for the fact that I don't have to work right now. Pile by pile I am making my way through the chaos that is my room. Nesting, and cleaning, preparing for my soon-to-be exhausting days of motherhood. Every day I hope that whatever guiding forces watch over me, help me to be the productive person I hope to be after Kennedy joins me. Being bogged down by all of the negativity and doubt people around me target towards me makes me want to fight even harder to prove them wrong. That I will be a better mom than them, AND get everything I want accomplished. The more they doubt, the more they laugh and attribute my goals to naiveté, the more motivated I become to be the person I want to be and to laugh in THEIR faces.
Holidays in Hand: Day 1
Assignment 1: Write values and goals::
What are your holiday values? Those things we treasure most, and the hopes we have for ourselves and our families during the holiday season?
My Values:
To make the holidays about family instead of material possessions.
To focus on those that are less fortunate.
To put thought and love into gifts instead of the swipe of a card.
To keep some traditions from my childhood, while making new traditions with my child.
To be organized.
To make the holiday season less stressful.
To record memories more frequently.
To enjoy the magic of Christmas again.
To make holiday celebrations more meaningful.
To slow down and savor more.
To be more grateful.
Assignment 2: Commit::
Find a way to include at least 20 minutes of recording/writing/photographing/savoring/printing/gluing/scrapbooking/remembering/slowing down EVERY DAY in December.
Assignment 3: Organize::
Organized Christmas
What are your holiday values? Those things we treasure most, and the hopes we have for ourselves and our families during the holiday season?
My Values:
To make the holidays about family instead of material possessions.
To focus on those that are less fortunate.
To put thought and love into gifts instead of the swipe of a card.
To keep some traditions from my childhood, while making new traditions with my child.
To be organized.
To make the holiday season less stressful.
To record memories more frequently.
To enjoy the magic of Christmas again.
To make holiday celebrations more meaningful.
To slow down and savor more.
To be more grateful.
Assignment 2: Commit::
Find a way to include at least 20 minutes of recording/writing/photographing/savoring/printing/gluing/scrapbooking/remembering/slowing down EVERY DAY in December.
Assignment 3: Organize::
Organized Christmas
Thankful: November 15
Today I am thankful for the rare occasions when my mom, step-dad, and I work as a team to get something accomplished. Our upstairs landing is now almost completely junk free. Our living room and our entryway are less cluttered. Thanks to teamwork and communication, we have those things checked off our to do list before the holiday season is officially upon us.
Thankful: November 14
Thankful: November 13
Today I am thankful for Tollhouse pre-cut cookie dough. Perfectly delicious cookies, perfect size every time. Yum..
Thankful: November 12
Thankful: November 11
Card Challenge #5
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