Today I am thankful for the fact that I have Health Insurance unlike a lot of Americans. Last night I suffered what I now know to be a gall bladder attack. After 15 hours of not being able to keep even water down, my mom and I rushed to the hospital where I was put in a LDR (Labor & Delivery Room). I received two bags of salt water as fast as the IV could put them into my system, because I was severely dehydrated. This worried the nurses because (little known fact: even while pregnant, your body does not see your uterus as a vital organ) as I got more and more dehydrated, the fluids they were giving me would go to my vital organs, before anything else. And since the uterus is a muscle, if it got dehydrated, it would start to contract, which would cause me to go into labor at 31.5 weeks. After blood tests, and an ultrasound, it was confirmed that I have gall stones. My doctor advised the nurses to send me home on what is called the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast). I meet with her next Tuesday, but I doubt she'll have me go in for surgery before Kennedy's born.. The next 9 weeks should be fun... NOT.