$417.75 is the amount of money I need to make in the next 3 paychecks to pay for summer quarter because I'm not going to pass English. I just computed my grade, and even with 100% on everything I have left to turn in, I cannot pass. Maybe I'll just fake it. Pretend to everyone in my family that I passed, then secretly attend classes during summer quarter so that by the time they are asking to see my Diploma in the mail, it'll be a few weeks late. Yikes. I am so sick of my life lately.
Can't I just end it? Answer: No.
I've been immersing myself in art lately. I really like this girl's art. I envy her. The Mother bought me her cute print of a girl and her porcupine selling cupcakes, because of my dream to open a cupcake shoppe. I went to Freddie's and bought a nice black frame to put it in. Now I just need to stab a hole in my wall with a nail to hang it up. I always feel bad stabbing holes into my walls; what if, one day, they bled as I punched yet another hole.
I just took a blog break to help L-word beat "Enter Sandman" on ROCKBAND, which, let me tell you, is a hard feat to pursue when you are tired enough to envision walls bleeding from nail holes. I think I shall get a new frame tomorrow to put my picture of Katelyn Fiona. Aww I found a picture from when she was a baby puppy....:
She was so adorable..
I'm trying to see if SmoothieBoy is going to come over after work. If not, I'll go to bed A LOT sooner. I'm also trying to contemplate whether or not I want to go to math class tomorrow morning. She advertised an in-class project worth bonus points that is sounding quite tempting. I'll probably try to make it. If I can get up. =/ SmoothieBoy's coming over.. which means I have to stay awake for at least another 45 minutes until he gets here. Luckily I have L-word to keep me awake. I don't know if I can make it though. I'm so le tired.
Why am I such a loser...? Answer: I have no clue. This is probably the most depressing blog to read. I get depressed when I'm tired.. Not to mention I'm coming down from my.....::converse::..... high. -.-
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