
You lost today kid, but that doesn't mean you have to like it...

L-Word spent the night last night.. Preggo came over today.. I took Preggo to her DSHS appointment. She got some information on transitional housing in the area. There is one in Puyallup that sounds like a good option. Hopefully she'll be accepted for one of the four positions opening up there this month. I really believe that this housing would be in her best interest.

I'm trying to figure out what to use to attach this plate to this canvas. The Mother and I need to print off the poem so we can cut the words out poetry magnet style. I can't wait for it to be finished. It's going to be a really cool first installment of the Poem Pieces.

So I called work today and asked for Monday through Friday off for next week. HeadSales had me call back an hour later to see if she could make it work. I got one extra day and we're waiting to see if KareBear can cover my Wednesday and Thursday shifts then I'll have pretty much the whole week off except Saturday and Sunday. I'm really hoping I get them off. The thought of going to work makes me want to cry.

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