
R.I.P. Benny the Almost Whale

This morning when I came downstairs to make some breakfast and chill with my darling black and white dogs.. there was something aloof.. All across the living room floor was stuffing [the innards of a toy not the delicious addition to Thanksgiving and Christmas].. I sighed a sigh of disdain for I assumed it was the quail-like Wendy Mumsy had given the pups to play with.. Upon further inspection of the bits and pieces strewn about the floor [it's gruesome].. was a green and pink little body known only as Benny. THEY KILLED MY WHALE!! those little doggie monsters.. so green with envy they were that I loved that whale..

Anyway, I'm taking the day off today from crafts.. in loving memory of Benny.. I dread going back to the sewing table to create another of his kind..